
​The Father of all Foods: Alfalfa

2017 Sep 27th - by Ergogenics

Very popularly known as the “father of all foods” alfalfa sprouts are packed with health benefits Being low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals, this herb, related to the pea family can be had as a herbal tea and is commonly seen in salads and sandwiches.

Traditionally, the herb was used to kick-start the appetite and ease indigestion, while alfalfa seeds were made into a paste for treating insect bites and boils.

While they may be little, they still have an immense amount of benefits when consumed.

The herb is rich in protein as well as vitamins A, C and K. This whole food is also chock full of antioxidants and minerals including magnesium, calcium and iron.

Due to high levels of vitamin K and phytoestrogens, alfalfa sprouts can also help women minimize symptoms related to menopause and menstruation. As Vitamin K is a blood-clotting vitamin, it can help with excessive bleeding.

Additionally, it can help with bone health; as the body needs vitamin K to adequately utilize the calcium, which builds bones. Alfalfa sprouts also have a significant amount of manganese, which also aids in preventing osteoporosis and inflammation.

These wondrous sprouts are a high-antioxidant food, which helps protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Another benefit of incorporating alfalfa is its Vitamin C content. A serving of alfalfa sprouts can offer 14 percent of your recommended daily value of vitamin C. And because vitamin C is water-soluble, it needs to be constantly replenished into our diets as it is essential to many healthy bodily functions.

Alfalfa sprouts are such an easy addition to meals. They are also known to help alleviate general digestive problems and promote regular bowel movement and healthy hydration. They also have a strong alkaline effect on the body.

Despite its many healthy benefits, alfalfa should be taken with caution in a few cases.

Some people have experienced a mild upset stomach or lupus like effects. Because of this, persons with autoimmune disease or hormonal cancer should avoid alfalfa. Pregnant women and persons with gout should also avoid alfalfa. Due to possible side effects, it is important to consult your healthcare provider before using alfalfa leaf, if you are currently taking any form of medication or dealing with an autoimmune disease. 

Tags: Alfalfa Greens Herbal Minerals Plant Based Vegan Vegetables Vitamins